Neofetch Command in Linux (With Examples)

The neofetch command in Linux will output system information, distribution information, and an ASCII logo of the distro in terminal. The command is often seen in screenshots from users that wish to show off their system specs or the Linux distribution they’re using.

In this guide, you’ll see how to install Neofetch on Linux, and use the neofetch command to see system information and get that cool screenshot you’re hoping to post somewhere.

Install Neofetch

Use the relevant command below to install Neofetch on your Linux distribution.

To install Neofetch on Debian-based systems, including Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, Kali Linux, Pop!_OS, Elementary OS, etc:

$ sudo apt install neofetch

To install Neofetch on Red Hat based systems, including Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux, etc:

$ sudo dnf install neofetch

To install Neofetch on Arch Linux based systems, including Manjaro, Arch Linux, Artix, etc:

$ sudo pacman -S neofetch

To install Neofetch on openSUSE:

$ sudo zypper install neofetch

Neofetch Command Examples

Example 1. To use Neofetch, you can just enter the neofetch command, with no further options, in terminal.

$ neofetch

The Neofetch command being run in an Ubuntu terminal

Example 2. Want to see the ASCII logo for a different distribution? Use the --ascii_distro option, and specify the name of the distro you wish to see.

$ neofetch --ascii_distro archlinux

Using Neofetch to display ASCII art of a different distro

Example 3. We can get Neofetch to output even more information. For example, the --de_version option can instruct Neofetch to display the version number of our desktop environment.

$ neofetch --de_version on

Displaying DE version number with Neofetch

Example 4. It’s also possible to omit any information you want from the Neofetch output. Use the --disable option, then specify the categories you want to disable.

$ neofetch --disable uptime resolution

Example 5. Neofetch can be used for more than just showing off neat screenshots. It’s a slick way to obtain concise system information. For example, just specify the specs you wish to see.

$ neofetch uptime cpu memory
uptime: 3 hours, 34 mins 
cpu: Intel i5-5300U (1) @ 2.294GHz 
memory: 722MiB / 1987MiB

Viewing individual system specs with Neofetch


Neofetch has a staggering number of options. The examples we’ve shown here only scratch the surface, and yet are the only commands that 99% of users are likely to need. To see what other options you can specify with Neofetch, run the neofetch --help command.

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