OpenLiteSpeed Default Password

After installing OpenLiteSpeed or LiteSpeed web server on Linux, you may be wondering how to log in to the admin panel. In this tutorial, you will learn how to generate a username and password and log in to the admin panel of OpenLiteSpeed web server.

There is no default password for the admin page of OpenLiteSpeed. Instead, run the script below to configure a username and password for the web server.

Generate Username and Password

Step 1. Execute the following script, which comes with OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed web server:

$ sudo /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/

Please specify the user name of administrator.
This is the user name required to login the administration Web interface.

User name [admin]: linuxnightly

Please specify the administrator's password.
This is the password required to login the administration Web interface.

Retype password: 
Administrator's username/password is updated successfully!

Step 2. Now you can log in to the admin panel. By default, it’s located on port 7080. Use your hostname, FQDN, or simply “localhost” to open it: http://localhost:7080

Don’t see it? Make sure the web server is running:

$ sudo systemctl start lsws

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