How to Upgrade Pip Packages on Linux

pip is the package manager for Python. We can use pip to install new Python packages, and keep all of our existing packages up to date. In this tutorial, we will see how to update a package via pip on Linux.

Use pip to Update Packages

Example 1. To update the pip package manager itself:

$ pip install --upgrade pip

Example 2. To check what packages need to be updated:

$ pip list --outdated

Output showing list of pip packages outdated on Ubuntu

Example 3. To update a python package with pip, use the --upgrade or -U options:

$ pip install --upgrade package_name
$ pip install -U package_name

Example 4. To upgrade all outdated pip packages at once, we can use this command:

$ pip freeze | awk -F"==" '{print $1}' | xargs -i pip install -U {}

How it works: pip freeze will output all installed packages, awk will isolate the package names, and xargs will hand off each package name to the pip install -U command, which upgrades each package.

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